35, Glowing and NOT Pregnant ...

I made a lot of love this past week. Like, a lot.

Now reflecting for this post and thinking about my audience, I’m reminded how many of my peers do not yet have children or like me, have growing kids who will be leaving home before a sibling is old enough to start school.

I have learned so much about planned parenthood, birth control and high risk pregnancy in the last year, I of course felt compelled to share. I discontinued my birth control method at the beginning of 2020. This was after a decade of popping pink pills. My doctor advised the body would need several months to return to normal ovulation. Years of hormonal manipulation comes with a price. Meanwhile, my baby fever and biological clock roared on. Almost a year in now and nothing yet. This acknowledgment coupled with the alarming stats surrounding black women and maternal mortality, led me to engross myself in information and options to maintain my health and safety. I’ve researched everything between the legs of midwives and water birth to candy yams leading to multiples and apps that send notifications to get it in when I’m most fertile. (Currently using app Clue. And Flo!)

There is a ton of medical research ( and likely personal exposure) to pregnancy/labor free of complication after age 35. (Check out Parents.com)

Side note ladies, do not feel obligated to approach child birth from any other method other than that which makes you feel most comfortable!

When you and your partner a truly ready, I bid you uninhibited procreation, healthy babies and an unmatched snap back.

Leave me a comment! Tell me where you currently stand on the road of parenthood!



Kathleen Tolbert