Aye, sit your ass down somewhere.
The group chat actually admonished me to SMADS after I suffered what I believed to be a stress fractured pelvic or torn groin muscle. I started instructing a small outdoor boot camp class after gyms closed in March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing mandates. Because I’m newly certified and rebellious in controlled environments, I overexerted myself with too much weight and improper form on day 1. The chat comments and questions included, “ what you tryna do?, Aren’t we supposed to be staying away from people and SMH.
So let me get this straight, ya’ll are actually following CDC instructions, staying home and taking it easy? Why was that proving so difficult for me to do? After some reflecting, I realized I was attempting to distract myself from the fear, stress and worry of these uncertain times with activities that represented normalcy.
Tasking myself with being highly productive or “keeping busy” even when the social, biological climate and now my own physical limitations were clearly in opposition. (Don’t get me wrong, productivity is a good thing!) My question is why is being still so hard? In a world where we usually have to create time and space for silence, prayer or connection, why are so many struggling to rest? We cannot control the circumstances but we always control how we respond. If you find yourself pacing a room, over-indulging in social media, challenges, news coverage, company, money moves, food, alcohol or otherwise. SYADS. Acknowledge your triggers and use this time for healthy self-development, one day at a time.
As we approach Resurrection Sunday, I pray our spirits be calmed and comforted by the Holy Spirit.
I speak deeper intimacy with the Creator and your family. I speak health, healing and provision.
Today, I’m meditating on Psalms 46:10,
XO, Kat