Why We Vote
IDK if it is because women caution against taking things for granted or because it took this country too damn long to include us in the process, but women, particularly women of color show up and show out at voting polls. Black women vote in higher rates than all other voters, making them the most active voting block in key elections. (American progress.org) For example; black female voters were attributed with Pres. Obama’s 2012 battleground state victories in PA, OH, and FL. Yeeeeeesssss sis!
Woman have also lead an unprecedented charge for House seats, political influence and possibly the first sitting black female VP. (HHHHHHH UUUUUUUU!) Candice Owens and Blexit plan to lead the mass exodus of black voters away from the democratic party that has “exploited” their allegiance for decades, while Biden boast on The Breakfast Club that “You aint black,” if you don’t vote for him. Alexandria Cortez is a breath of fiery fresh air. Amy Coney Barrett is the confirmed Supreme Court nominee and first with school age children while in service; two of which are adopted children of color.
Some critical issues directly affecting women to consider in November include; Republican rollback of Roe vs. Wade and pay equality policies. Whether you ride or die for conservative, liberal or check “other”; let’s make it our business like never before to educate ourselves on candidate policies and practices and put a periodtttt to emotional puppeteering and inciting over empty promises. Our voices = our agenda, alignment with agenda = our support. To those that opt to forgo voting for any reason; your vote matters! Forever FLOTUS Michelle Obama said so!
To the pioneers of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, the bold brothers and sisters who risked their lives for our civil rights and the amazing women walking it out in real time; You are why we vote.
R.I.H -Ruth Bader Ginsburg,