As I prepare to become his wife, I am learning the most about myself..

The first lesson learned was the danger of unrealistic expectations. (insert crying emoji face) I feel women are more prone to create a vision for their partners/relationships that reflect the principle of sowing and reaping. We sow, love- Hard!! In some cases ride and literally die, in hopes that the fulfillment we attempt to create for others will eventually be reciprocated. (we do this in most interpersonal relationships, including as mothers) The issue with this is, no person is responsible for nor can they provide such fulfillment. Men usually have expectations derived from multiple experiences with many women, they expect to have in 1 super specimen. She’s Beyonce, dancing on stage with the kids with no nanny, a MBA, and never gets tired. Lesson #2, has been the most impactful thus far; God will give you the desires of your heart and use it as an opportunity to give you revelation about yourself and show you why you need Him do to everything you are otherwise incapable. For me, that thing was trust, for others its forgiveness, for you it may be simply believing you are worthy and receiving His love first. I plan to share all my road to the alter (and beyond) jewels here first, along with an exclusive peek at some of our favorite shots from engagement session with Zainob + Mathew Create! IG : zainobmathewcreate

XO, Kat

Kathleen Tolbert